Insomnia? Mind racing at night? Worries keeping you up? Tune in for a bedtime story that lets you forget your problems and progressively gets more boring until you fall to sleep. So get in bed, press play, close your eyes, and drift off into dreamland.
Insomnia? Mind racing at night? Worries keeping you up? Tune in for a bedtime story that lets you forget your problems and progressively gets more boring until you fall to sleep. So get in bed, press play, close your eyes, and drift off into dreamland.
What’s you jam? This dude who yams, (the softer version of yammering), he’s a word softener who puts me to sleep. Here’s a look back at the foundations of the show.
I’m supporting BEAM- Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective is a group of therapists, lawyers, religious leaders, teachers, psychologists, advocates, and activists working together for mental/emotional health and healing in the Black community.
Support our AAPI community -take action right now
Black Lives Matter. When I say “you deserve a good night’s sleep” it means black lives matter. More resources here-
Here is a list of Anti-racism resources-
Here is one place you can find support during this or any crisis. If you have more please share them! There are more global helplines here
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Zoc Doc- Whether you need a primary care physician, dentist, dermatologist, psychiatrist, eye doctor, or other specialists, Zocdoc has you covered. Download the Zocdoc app to sign-up for FREE at
Helix Sleep- Just go to, take their two-minute sleep quiz, and they’ll match you to a customized mattress that will give you the best sleep of your life.
Betterhelp- Betterhelp offers licensed professional counselors, it’s a truly affordable option and our listeners get 10% off your first month with discount code “sleepwithme”. Go over to and simply fill out a questionnaire to help them assess your needs and get matched with a counselor you’ll love.
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